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急性期脳梗塞51例に低磁場MRI(0.2T)を用いてDWIを撮影し,脳梗塞診断の有用性を検討した。1)急性期脳梗塞51例中46例(90.2%)はDWIで診断可能であったが,TIAの4例と穿通枝梗塞の1例は診断できなかった。2)DWIの描出時間は最短で皮質梗塞が1時間20分,穿通枝梗塞が3時間で,高磁場MRIと遜色がなかった。3)低磁場MRIではline scan法のため,撮影時間が長くかかることが問題であった。
The purpose of this study is to confirm the diagno-sis of acute cerebral infarction on diffusion-weighted imaging using low field (0.2 T) magnetic resonance image (MRI).
Acute cerebral infarctions in 51 patients were exam-ined on diffusion-weighted imaging using low field MRI within 48 hours after clinical symptoms. Diffu-sion-weighted imaging was examined using line scanmethod. Twenty-four cases were cortical infarction, and twenty-two cases were perforating infarction. In five cases out of 51 cases, ischemic regions were not detected as abnormal high signal intensity area on dif-fusion-weighted imaging.

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