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内頸動脈閉塞症に合併した脳内出血の1例を報告した。症例は54歳男性。右上下肢麻癖で発症し,CT scanにて左内包に出血を認めた。また左大脳半球に著明な萎縮を認め,左総頸動脈撮影にて内頸動脈閉塞が見られた。閉塞側に脳内出血が合併するのは非常に稀で,出血の機序としては高血圧による動脈壊死が最も考えられた。
We report a case of intracerebral hemorrhage asso-ciated with ipsilateral internal carotid artery occlusion. The patient was a 54-year-old man, who developed a small cerebral hemorrhage in the left internal capsule. He was admitted with mild right hemiparesis to out hospital. Left carotid angiography showed an occlu-sion at the origin of the internal carotid artery. Right cerebral angiography revealed the slow filling of cere-bral arteries of left hemisphere by the cross flow. He was treated conservatively. Two days after admission, the neurological examination revealed no notable ab-normalities.

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