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内頚動脈(internal carotid artery:ICA)の閉塞に伴って生じる脳動脈瘤(新生動脈瘤:de novo aneurysm)は,血行力学的負荷が生じる前交通動脈や対側のICAに多く発生するとされ,閉塞側ICAに新生脳動脈瘤が発生することは稀である1,4,10).また,閉塞側に生じた脳動脈瘤は,親動脈の閉塞により血行力学的負荷が少なくなっていることが推察され,この脳動脈瘤が破裂する危険性は少なくなると思われる.今回われわれは,ICA閉塞症に伴う閉塞と同側の内頚動脈-後交通動脈(internal carotid artery-posterior communicating artery:IC-PC)分岐部付近に発生した脳動脈瘤破裂によるくも膜下出血を経験した.脳動脈瘤コイル塞栓術を行うにあたり,心臓側ICAがアプローチルートとして使用できないため,異なるアプローチルートを考慮する必要があった.前方循環と後方循環をつなぐ後交通動脈を利用して椎骨-脳底動脈から後交通動脈を経由させた瘤内塞栓術が有効であったため,文献的考察を加えて報告する.
Background:De novo aneurysms after internal carotid artery(ICA)occlusion occur in the contralateral ICA or anterior communicating artery. Hemodynamic changes with increased blood flow to the contralateral carotid circulation were considered the main factor for the formation of these aneurysms. We report a rare case of ruptured ICA aneurysm associated with ipsilateral ICA occlusion treated with coil embolization via the vertebrobasilar and posterior communicating arteries.
Case Presentation:An 82-year-old woman presented with sudden-onset disturbance of consciousness at our outpatient clinic and went into cardiopulmonary arrest. Computed tomography(CT)performed after cardiopulmonary resuscitation revealed diffuse subarachnoid hemorrhage. Three-dimensional CT angiography revealed a right ICA aneurysm associated with the ipsilateral ICA occlusion. Considering that the patient showed clinical improvement with the critical care for neurogenic pulmonary edema, the aneurysm was treated with endovascular coil embolization via the posterior communicating artery. With this technique, complete obliteration was attained without perioperative complication.
Conclusion:Endovascular coil embolization via the posterior communicating artery was proven effective as a treatment method for ruptured ICA aneurysms with ipsilateral ICA occlusion. Hemodynamic stress due to increased blood flow in the posterior communicating artery may play an important role in the growth and rupture of ICA aneurysms.

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