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心房性ナトリウム利尿ペプチド(atrial natriuretic peptide:ANP)の中枢神経系に対する効果を先天性水頭症ラットを用いて検討した。HTX系先天性水頭症ラット21日齢および28日齢を用い,頭蓋内圧は脳室内に留置した26G硬針より連続測定を行った。脳室内に生食またはANP(0.2または2μg)10μlを投与し40分間の頭蓋内圧の変化および乾燥重量法による脳水分含量,フレーム原子吸光計による脳内Naなどのミネラルを測定した。生食およびANP(0.2μg)投与群では40分後までに頭蓋内圧に変化は認めなかったが,ANP(2μg)投与群では40分後で21日齢ラットでは5.25±O.60(Mean±SEM)より3.00±O.35mmHg,28日齢ラットでは7.38±1.13より5.20±1.32mmHgと有意に頭蓋内圧の低下を認めた(P<O.01)。脳水分含量は生食投与群とANP投与群の値がそれぞれ21日齢ラットでは83.47±O.15,83.09±0.15%,28日齢ラットでは81.74±O.24,81.14±0.18%でありANP投与により統計的に有意な変化は認めなかった。脳内Na濃度も生食投与群とANP投与群の値が21日齢ラットでは305.5±9.1,291.2±6.5mmol/kg dry weight,28日齢ラットでは288.0±14.6,267.3±9.9mmol/kg dry weightであり脳内水分量と同様の結果を得た。ANPは脳浮腫の軽減のみならず髄液産生を抑制するとの報告もあり,水頭症の治療に関して新たな可能性を持つものと考えられた。
Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), which was dis-covered from rat atria, has been implicated in the regulation of systemic water and electrolyte bala-nces. Recently, ANP and that specific receptor was identified in rat brain. These observations suggest the additional central effect of ANP. In this study, the effect of ANP on the intracranial pressure, brain water content and brain sodium concentration was studied with congenital hydro-cephalus rats (HTX strain). This strain of rat has a high incidence of congenital hydrocephalus (50 %), and the survival period of hydrocephalic ratwas 4-5 weeks. Using this hydrocephalic HTX rats, the intracranial pressure was measured thro-ugh the fine needle of 26 gauge which was placed in the ventricle stereotaxically. The water content was measured by dry-weight method. The brain tissue sodium concentration was measured with at-omic absorption spectrophotometer (Shimazu Corp., AA-670). Because ANP did not pass through the blood-brain barrier, ANP was administed into the cerebral ventricle with direct puncture. Intraven-tricular administration of 2 μg of α-hANP decrea-sed the intracranial pressure significantly (p< 0.01), from 5.25±0.60 (mean±SEM) mmHg to 3.00± O.35 mmHg (n= 10), from 7.38± 1.13 mmHg to 5.20±1.32 mmHg (n=5) after 40 minute in both 21 and 28 days HTX rats, respectively. After ANP administration, the water and sodium con-tents of brain changed from 83.47± 0.15%, 305.5± 9.1 mmol/kg dry weight to 83.09± 0.15%, 291.2± 6.5 mmol/kg dry weight in 21 days HTX rats, and from 81.74 ± 0.24%, 288.0± 14.6 mmol/kg dry we-ight to 81.14±0.18%, 267.3 ± 9.9 mmol/kg dry we-ight in 28 days HTX rats, respectively. However, these changes were not statistically significant.
Intraventricular administration of saline and 0.2 μg of α-hANP did not yield any changes of intra-cranial pressure, brain water content and brain tissue sodium concentration. Thus, ANP decrease the intracranial pressure without concomitant dec-rease of water and sodium contents of brain in the hydrocephalic rat. This suggest decreasing effect on CSF production rather than the antiedematous effect of ANP.

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