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定量的autoradiography法をもちいて,先天性水頭症ラットの脈絡叢における心房性Na利尿ペプチド(ANP)受容体の変化について検討した。先天性水頭症ラット(LEW/HYR)の脈絡叢におけるANP結合濃度は脳室拡大の程度にかかわらず,かつ,幼若期(3週齢)より,対照群の約10%と著明な低値を示したが,嗅脳においては対照群との差は見られなかった。また,この傾向は他の先天性水頭症モデル(HTXラット)においても同様であった。しかし,10−5MのANPに対する脈絡叢のcyclic GMP産生能はLEW/HYRラットと対照群で有意の差は認められなかった。以上の結果は,先天性水頭症ラットにおいて,ANP受容体subtypeの内,主にguanylate cyclaseにcoupleしていないuncouple site(Ctype)が遺伝的あるいは幼若期より減少していることを示唆しており,脈絡叢におけるANP受容体機能の変調が先天性水頭症発現に関与する可能性が考えられる。
By using quantitative receptor autoradiography, specific atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) binding sites in the choroid plexus of congenital hydro-cephlic rats (LEW/HYR and HTX strains) were analyzed. The effect of ANP on cyclic GMP production in the choroid plexus of these rats were also examined. The number of 125I-ANP binding sites in the choroid plexus of rats with congenital hydrocephalus (both LEW/HYR and HTX strains) was significantly lower, at 0.3 nM 125I-ANP concentrations, when compared with those in the age-matched control rats. This alte-ration was specific in the choroid plexus, since no significant difference in the binding of 125I-ANP was observed in the olfactory bulb. On the other hand, in spite of lower number of 125I-ANP binding sites in the choroid plexus, cyclic GMP response to ANP in these rats was similar to that of age-matched control Lewis rats. These results suggest that ANP receptor may play a role in the regulation of cerebrospinal fluid pro-duction. Alterations in ANP receptor in the choroid plexus might be involved in the deve-lopement of congenital hydrocephalus.

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