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筋萎縮性側索硬化症(以下ALS)に頸髄空洞症を合併した剖検例を報告した。症例は死亡時59歳11カ月男性。54歳より下肢脱力(右<左)55歳右手の脱力に気付き,諸検査にて頸椎症と頸髄に造影剤の滲み込みが認められ,C5—C7の前方固定術が施行された。しかし術後も症状は緩徐進行性に悪化し,59歳11カ月呼吸不全のため死亡。剖検では,C2—C7までの複数の独立した脊髄の空洞とALSの所見として脊髄前角細胞の萎縮,消失,Bunina bodyの出現,延髄錐体の萎縮などを認めた。本症例は頸椎症に伴う二次性の脊髄の複数の空洞とALSを合併した症例で,これを剖検にて確認できた。
An autopsied case of amyotrophic lateral sclero-sis complicated by cervical syringomyelia was re-ported. The case was a 59-year-old man, who first noticed weakness of both lower extremities at 54-year-old. The weakness spread to both upper ex-tremities within 2 years. Cervical myelography revealed multi-level cervical spondylosis and anter-ior fusion of C5-C7 was done.
But the weakness and atrophy of proximal mu-scle, diminished deep tendon reflex on upper extre-mities, hyperreflexia and pathological reflexes on both legs, tongue fasciculation and respiratory mu-scle weakness developed successively, and the pa-tient died of respiratory distress at 59-year-old.
Autopsy revealed multiple independent four sy-rinxes located at the level between C2-C7. One of these syrinxes had ependymal cell lining and tho-ught to be ideopathic syringomyelia. The other three syrinxes were considerd to be the cavitation in association with cervical spondylotic myelopa-thy. Degeneration and decreasing of spinal anter-ior horn cells, atrophy of medullary pyramis and Bunina bodies were observed as features of typical amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Cervical spondylosis as causative lesion of mul-tiple syrinxes was discussed, and relationship be-tween ALS and the syrinxes was not indicated clearly.

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