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抄録 生体内に広く分布し,ほとんど全ての生理作用に影響を与える生理活性物質である,プロスタグランディン(PG)は,PGD2など,そのいくつかのシリーズにおいて,抗腫瘍活性を有することが証明され,抗腫瘍剤としても期待されている。今回我々は,PGA2, PGD2, PGJ22, 6-keto PGE1の各PGにつき,ヒトグリオーマ移植ヌードマウスを用いて,その抗腫瘍効果を検討した。その結果PGD2, PGA2投与群では,投与群/対照群比(T/C)50〜60%位の抑制効果がみられることが判明した。PGJ2の効果は期待した程強力ではなかったが,PGJ2が失活しやすいことも原因の一つと考えられた。6—keto PGE1の抗腫瘍効果も乏しかった。一方PGD2のグリオーマに対する効果についてはin vitro実験においても証明された。PGの作用機序は不明な点が多い一方,抗腫瘍活性を有する種々のPGが誘導,合成されている。PGの臨床応用を進める上で,各種PGの作用機序の解明と同時に,腫瘍抑制効果が強く,副作用の少ないPGの合成が今後の課題と考えられる。これらの点につき文献的考察を加える。
The prostaglandins (PG) are known to have various physiological effects. Some series of prostaglandins such as PG D2 have been reportedto inhibit growth of tumor cells. In this study, the growth-inhibitory effects of PG A2, PG D2, PG J2 and 6-keto PGE1 were investigated in nude mice receiving subcutaneous transplant of human brain tumor. One to two milligram of prostaglan-dins was given intraperitoneally every day for three weeks. Tumor volumes were measured twice weekly and the tumor reduction rates (treated/ control) were evaluated. T/C rate treated with PG D2 or PG A2 was 50-60% respectively. The effectiveness of PG J2 or 6-keto PGE1 was in-ferior to that of PG A2 or PG D2. But in the evaluation of antitumor effects of PG J2, we must consider the fact that the activity of PG J2, is liable to be lost. The effect of PG D2 on proli-feration of cultured glioma cells was also studied. At concentrations of 10 μg/ml, PG D2 strongly inhibited the proliferation of glioma cells.
However, precise mechanism of prostaglandin action is presently unknown. Further studies are required to clarify the mechanism of antitumor effects of prostaglandins.

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