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抄録 25名のパーキンソン病患者(PD)群と年齢の一致した15名の健常対象(C)群に新修正WisconsinCard Sorting Test (WCST)と聴覚刺激によるP300成分の測定を行い,両群を比較した。その結果PD群はC群に比し,新修正WCSTの成績は有意に低下し,mental setの変換と維持の両側面の障害が認められた。P300成分については潜時と振幅ともにPD群とC群との間には有意差がみられなかった。PD群ではP300潜時と新修正WCSTの成績のうち,保続数とmental setの維持の障害との間に相関を認めた。運動障害度はこれらと相関しなかった。P300潜時とWCSTには共通の認知過程のあることが推定され,また新修正WCSTはパーキンソン病の知的機能障害の検討に簡便で有用と考えた。
To clarify the neuropsychological disturbances in Parkinson's disease, we used the New Modified Wis-consin Card Sorting Test (WCST) which is simpler and less ambiguous than the other methods. We also examined P 300 components evoked by auditory stimuli. In the previous paper, we reported that the latencies of P 300 component evoked by the complex visual stimuli were prolonged. These two examina-tion were adminstered to 25 parkinsonian patients with normal intelligence and 15 normal controls. In the New Modified WCST, parkinsonian patients had fewer categories achieved. And they made a higher proportion of total errors, perservation errors and difficulty of maitaining set than normal controls. In the latencies and the amplitudes of P 300 components, there were no significant differences between the two groups. In the group of parkinsonian patients, significant correlations were demonstrated between the P 300 latency and the scores of the New Modified WCST. These results show that the New Modified WCST is useful for the detection of neuropsychol-ogical disturbance in Parkinson's disease and that P 300 components evoked by simple task could not disclose it.

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