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A RARE CASE OF SUBARACHNOIDEAL PNEUMOCEPHALUS AFTER EAR DOUCHE THERAPY Yukio Tomita 1 , Toshiyuki Nanami 1 , Yasufumi Kikuchi 1 , Hideki Itoh 1 , Kouichirou Furukawa 1 , Haruyuki Kanaya 2 1Critical Care and Emergency Center, Iwate Medical University 2Department of Neurosurgery, Iwate Medical University pp.89-94
Published Date 1985/1/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406205447
  • Abstract
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No detailed reports on pneumocephalus caused by any factors other than head trauma, and their courses accompanied with this disease have been so far available. We recently experienced a case of pneumocephalus complicated with severe cloud-ing of consciousness, ocular deviation, and unilateral spatial neglect with the results being reported hereinafter.

A 54-year-old man had often received ear douche therapy due to chronic sinusitis and tubal obstrution about 3 years before without any history of head trauma. On Jan. 6, 1984, sudden clouding of consciousness accompanying stiffness of the left arm occurred immediately after ear douche, and then he was transferred to our center. At admission, semicomatose, bilateral ocular devia-tion to the right, and left hemiparesis were observed. Plain skull X-ray films showed a reten-tion of air in the frontal and temporal regions, while CT scan revealed air retention on the bilateral frontal region, bilateral temporal tip and suprasellar cistern. However, no abnormal findings were detected in the brain. Consiciousness and hemiparesis recovered on the next day of hospita-lization, however, the left hemispatial neglect still remained. This symptom was still observed on the 3rd day but disappeared by the 4th day of hospitalization.

For clarifying its cause, cerebral angiography, CT scan and electroencephalography were then performed. CT scan revealed no anomalies in the brain, while cerebral angiography showed a cere-bral circulation patttern in favor of the right internal carotid artery. In the electroencephalo-gram, the background activity was consisted of a-wave, but the right pattern was irregular, especially complicated with slow a and 0 waves in the parietal and occipital leads. These findings suggested a decreased cerebral function and theleft hemispatial neglect were considered to be of symptoms caused by the right parietal and occipital lesions, i, e., the circulation pattern in favor of the right sided arteries. Thus, probably due to air stimulation invaded into the subarachroideal cavity and to subsequent vasospasm, disturbed circulation in the right carotid artery might pro-voke the appearance of neurologic symptoms and functional disturbance in the right hemisphere noted in the electroencephalogram.

Copyright © 1985, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


