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fibrous histiocytoma(xanthoma)は比較的新しい腫瘍概念で,主に軟部組織に発生するとされ,その報告例は少なくない.しかし頭蓋内に発生したfibroushistiocy-tomaの報告は極めて稀で,未だ数例を数えるのみである.われわれは10歳女児の頭蓋内に多発性に発生したと思われるfi-brous histiocytomaの1例を経験したので文献的考察を加えて報告する.
A case of intracranial multiple fibrous histiocytomasarising from the dura mater and both lateral ventriclesis presented. To the authors' knowledge, this is theninth case of intracranial fibrous histiocytomas reportedin the literature. A 10-year-old girl was admitted witha 6 month history of cerebellar ataxia. Radiologicalexamination including CT scan revealed a large massin occipito-suboccipital region. On November 1,1978, subtotal resection of the tumor was performed.Yellowish hard tumor, weighing 195g had wide attach-ment to the dura mater, but did not invade the braintissue.

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