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LOCAL ADMINISTRATION OF RADIOSENSITIZER MISONIDAZOLE Shin-ichi Otsuka 1 , Kinya Suda 2 , Junkoh Yamashita 1 , Hidefuku Gi 1 , Yoshifumi Oda 3 , Juji Takeuchi 1 , Hajime Handa 1 , Koji Ono 4 1Department of Neurosurgery, Kyoto University Medical School 2Department of Neurosurgery, Shiga Medical School 3Department of Neurosurgery, Kochi Medical School 4Department of Radiology, Kyoto University, Medical School pp.249-255
Published Date 1983/3/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406205087
  • Abstract
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Local administration of hypoxic cell radiosensiti-zer misonidazole was studied. Misonidazole pellets were made with silastic medical-grade elastomer (Dow Corning), (peon ss No. 4 silicone tube (Fuji system), A. No. 10 silicone tube (Dow Corning) and diffusion of misonidazole from these pellets was examined.

When the pellet made with silastic medical-grade elastomer containing 1 g of misonidazole was pla-ced in 2.0 ml of normal saline every 24 hours, it released a large dosis of misonidazole into the saline at 37℃ for first 2 days, but it released about 6-8 mg/day of misonidazole constantly after the 3rd day. When the same pellet was placed in 2.0 ml of normal saline every week, it released 15-20 mg/week of misonidazole into the saline at 37℃ for 4 weeks.

When the pellet made with (peon ss No. 4 sili-cone tube containing 0.5 g of misonidazole was placed in 2.0 ml of normal saline every 3 days, it released 330-400 Lig/3 days of misonidazole into the saline at 37℃ for 30 days. When the pellet made with A. No. 10 silicone tube containing 2 g of misonidazole was placed in 10 ml of normal saline every week, it released 2.7-3.3 mg/week of miso-nidazole into the saline at 37℃ for 4 weeks. When the pellet was placed in the same saline, 3.2 mg of misonidazole was detected after a week, and then the concentration of misonidazole in the sa-line gradually increased and 4 weeks later 11.0 mg of misonidazole was detected.

In these in vitro examinations, the pellet made with silastic medical-grade elastomer released much more misonidazole than those made with sili-cone tubes and the concentration of misonidazole released into the saline was much higher than the serum concentration obtained by the oral admi-nistration of misonidazole. In in vivo examination, the release of misonidazole from the pellet placed in the subcutaneous tumor in rats was observed for 4 weeks. But the concentration of rnisonida-zole was not so high as had been expected fromthe data in in vitro experiments. This may be due to the dilution of misonidazole by tissue fluid and the technical problems in obtaining appropriate specimens.

In case of intracranial administration of miso-nidazole, the neurotoxicity of misonidazole must be taken into account. When 0. 6 mg of misonida-zole was injected into subarachnoid space in rats or intracranially in mice, no convulsion and no other neurological findings were observed. When the pellet containing 0. 5 g of misonidazole was placed intracranially in dogs, no convulsion and no other neurological findings were observed in a period of 7-37 days.

In view of the constant release of misonidazolefrom the pellet into the tumor, its direct cyto-toxic effect and the lack of side effects, a clinical trial to place the misonidazole pellet in the tumor bed was attempted. Three patients (a 67-year-old female with brain metastasis from uterine can-cer, a 44-year-old male with glioblastoma and a 44-year-old female with astrocytoma) have been treated by the local application of misoni-dazole pellet into the tumor bed as an adjunct to radiotherapy. Although it is too early to make a conclusion, there have been no remarkable side effects and all of them have had an uneventful clinical course for 3-7 months.

Copyright © 1983, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


