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抄録 ポジトロン放出核種より製造した11CO,13NH3,18FDGを用い,放射線医学総合研究所にて開発されたポジトロン断層装置を使用し,種々の中枢神経疾患の三次元イメージングを行ってきた。各々のトレーサーは局所脳血液量局所脳灌流量,局所脳ブドウ糖消費量を表わしていると考えられる。2例のinter—ictalのてんかん患者に使用し,1例は11CO,13NH3のみを用いて検査を行い,他1例は11CO,13NH3と18FDGを用いたが,脳波にて徐波の認められる側に13NH3,18FDGとも低集積を示した。13NH3,18FDG両者を用いた症例では,18FDGがより狭い範囲の異常を表わした。X線CTはともに同側の萎縮を認めた。このポジトロンCT結果はKuhlらの報告と一致する。しかし133Xeによる局所脳血流量測定ではinterictalでも血流の増加を認める報告もあり,てんかん焦点の機能的,代謝的にfluctuating stateである事が指摘されている。13NH3,18FDGの三次元イメージングはてんかんの診断,治療,特に手術を意図する際には重要な情報を提供すると思われる。
Positron CT was performed in two epileptic patients. Positron emitting isotopes of 11C, 13N and 18F were made at National Institute of Radiological Sciences using cyclotrone. Device of Positron CT is "POSITOLOGICA " which has a ring of unequally spaced 64 bithmus germanate detectors arranged in a circle, and the ring rotates contineouslly.
11CO binds with hemoglobin in red cell tightly and circulates in vessels of brain, so 11CO image shows local cerebral blood volume. 13NH3 was injected intravenously, and diffused easily to the brain tissue and then was incorporated into a glutamate-glutamine pool of large size and slow turnover rate. Amount of 13NH3 uptake to brain depends on local capillary perfusion. 18FDG was analogous substance of glucose, and incorporated into the brain competitively with same carrier ofglucose. It is phosphorylated to 13FDG-phosphate by hexokinase but it is not metabolized further-more. And only a little 13FDG-6-phosphate is dephosphorylated. Amount of 13F accumulated in the brain tissue depends on local glucose utiliza-tion.
Case 1. This is a 49 year-old man who had five years' history of convulsive seizures. CT scan reveals progressive right hemispheric atrophy, and high density area in right frontal lobe but was not enhanced with contrastmedia. Positron CT of 13NH3 shows decreased accumulation of 13N in right frontal lobe and the area surrounding the sylvian fissure.
Case 2. Thirtythree year old man was found unconscious 3 years ago and convulsive seizure was noted 3 months before the Positron CT. Positron CT of 13NH3 and 18FDG reveals decreased uptake in left temporo-occipital region. Area of decrease of 13FDG is smaller than that of 13NH3. It seems that the area of decreased glucose me-talism is smaller than the area of decreased perfusion. This finding of decreased uptake of 13NH3 and 18FDG in interictal state is same as report of Kuhl et al. But there are reports that cerebral blood flow is increased while interictal state measured by 133Xe method. And it is men-tioned that epileptogenic focus is fluctuating state functionally and metabolically.
Positron CT of epileptic patient is valuable in diagnosis and therapy,especially surgical procedure was intended.

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