

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY IN EXPERIMENTAL CANINE HYDROCEPHALUS. : PART 4: PERIVENTRICULAR LUCENCY (PVL) AND REGIONAL CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW IN THE CHRONIC STAGE OF HYDROCEPHALUS Takaho Murata 1 , Sen Yamagata 1 , Koreaki Mori 1 , Hajime Handa 1 , Yoshihisa Nakano 2 1Depertment of Neurosurgery, Kyoto University Medical School 2Depertment of Radiology, Kyoto University Medical School pp.219-227
Published Date 1980/2/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406204547
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Observations of both CT scans and EDP moni-torings made before and after V-P shunting oper-ation, analysis of linear density profiles in PVL on experimental CT scans, and measurement of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) with a clearance method of hydrogen gas were performed to clarify the pathogenesis of PVL in the chronic stage of hydro-cephalus.

According to the results in our previous studies (part one to three), PVL in the chronic stage of hydrocephalus was considered to be an irreversible change such as cerebral infarction.

However, in the present study, PVL on CT scans disappeared two to three days after operation along with reduced ventricular size and decreased EDP, and reappeared by shunt malfunctions. Furthermore, in contrast enhancement study, PVL in the chronic stage was not enhanced. These results suggest that PVL in the chronic stage is considered to be an increase of water content in the periventricular white matters, rather than cere-bral infarction.

Analysis of linear density profiles in PVL were also investigated in experimental CT scans. Both in acute and chronic stages, these were mimicked to hydrocephalic patterns in the clinical cases. They had various upward slopes in densities without preservation of ventricular wall or parenchymal wall or parenchymal component recognized in PVL of the clinical cases with cerebral low perfusion syndrome.

The measurement of rCBF with a clearance method of hydrogen gas was performed chiefly in the chronic stage of hydrocephalus. It was noted that rCBF in the subcortical white matters near PVL were relatively preserved in comparison with marked decreased rCBF rate in the cortical grey matters. From these results, PVL in the chronic stage is never seemed to be a cerebral infarction due to loss of blood flow.

Consequently, PVL on CT scans in the chronic stage of canine hydrocephalus is pressumed chiefly to be a consequence of increase of water content in the white matter caused by preceding intra-ventricular hypertensions. In other words, PVL in the chronic stage is considered to be a sign on CT scan, which shows a preceding intraventricular hypertension.

Copyright © 1980, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


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