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A HISTOCHEMICAL STUDY ON THE INNERVATION OF CEREBRAL BLOOD VESSELS IN THE DOG : WITH SPECIAL REGARD TO THE CHOLINERGIC NERVES Shigeki Kameyama 1 1Department of Neurosurgery, Brain Research Institute, Niigata University pp.209-217
Published Date 1980/2/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406204546
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The histochemical characteristics of the nerves innervating the cerebral blood vessels were studied in 40 mongrel dogs. Two establised histochemical methods for the demonstration of acetylcholine-sterase and noradrenaline were used to study the distribution of the cholinergic and the adrenergic nerves.

The major arteries of the brain were supplied by extensive networks of the cholinergic and the adrenergic nerves. As the major arteries at the base of the brain passed distally, a diminution in the amount of nerve fibers became evident, and the pial arterioles were only sparsely innervated. The major arteries of the intradural carotid system had a denser innervation of the cholinergic and the adrenergic nerves than the basilar artery.

Along the major arteries, two plexuses (superficial and deep) of the cholinergic nerves were disclosed.The thick nerve bundles of the cholinergic nerves ran longitudinally in the superficial layers of the adventitia and gave off thinner bundles of nerve fibers forming fine networks in the deep layers of the adventitia. Thick nerve bundles consisted of non-myelinated nerve fibers mainly and a few myelinated fibers. No cholinergic nerve could be observed in the media. In contrast with the cholinergic nerves, the adrenergic nerves had many varicoses in the nerve fibers and no thick nerve bundles.

Along the internal ophthalmic arteries which were the most proximal branch of the anterior cerebral artery, the thickest nerve bundles with the highest acetylcholinesterase activity were symmetrically observed. This thickest nerve bundle consisted of nonmyelinated nerve fibers mainly and a few myelinated fibers and branched off at the bifurcation of the internal carotid artery. Thisnerve bundle had negative fluorescence by the method of glyoxylic acid. We detected the con-nection between this nerve bundle and the post-ganglionic nervous network of the ciliary ganglion, and suggested that this nerve bundle was one of the origins of the cholinergic nerves on the cere-bral arteries.

The perforating branches of the anterior cerebral artery and the middle cerebral artery were supplied by dense network of the cholinergic nerves. It was suggested that those might have a close re-lation to autoregulatory function.

We observed the sparse innervation on the cavernous portion and the syphon region of the internal carotid artery, and clarified no cholinergic nerve along the cerebral veins.

Copyright © 1980, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


