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CORTICIFUGAL CONNECTIONS TO THE TRIGEMINAL MOTONEURONS PARTICIPATING TO RHYTHMIC JAW MOVEMENTS IN RABBITS Tadaaki Sumi 1 1Department of Physiology, Fujita-Gakuen University School of Medicine pp.1173-1179
Published Date 1979/11/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406204501
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In lightly anesthetized adult rabbits, antero-lateral areas of the frontal cerebral cortex were stimulated with repetitive electrical pulses (0.2 msec, 1-8 V and 10-50 Hz) while the unitary efferent activities of the masseteric and the mylohyoid (innervating both the mylohyoid and the digastric muscles) nerves were recorded simul-taneously. For each gnatho-motor neuron, their behaviors relating to rhythmic jaw movements induced by cortical stimulation and to each cortical stimulus involved were analysed.

Under no cortical stimulation, hence the jaw remained at rest, the masseteric motoneurons showed remarkable activities, whereas the mylo-hyoid-digastric did none, if any, only a few. Preceding the onset of rhythmic jaw movements by cortical stimulation, the masseteric motoneurons reduced first their spontaneous activity and became completely silent, whereas the mylohyoid-digastric motoneurons showed at first an increase of the activity that led to the first burst of impulses of masticatory rhythm. Thereafter, the massetericand the mylohyoid-digastric motoneurons displayed their activities rhythmically and reciprocally. From the criteria that whether the masseteric and the mylohyoid-digastric motoneurons responded to each electrical pulse of the cortical stimulation and whether they showed rhythmic activity in phase with jaw movements, four types were distinguished ; 1) the motoneurons discharging solely with masti-catory rhythm, 2) the motoneurons correlated both with masticatory rhythm and with each cortical stimulus, 3) the motoneurons correlated solely with each cortical stimulus, and 4) the motoneurons correlated neither with cortical stimulus nor with masticatory rhythm. The nature and the grade of response to ipsi or contralateral cortical stimulus was similar in the masseteric motoneurons, whereas differed greatly in the mylohyoid-digastric motoneurons, in which an excitation from contra-lateral side was exclusively predominant. These behaviors of the masseteric and the mylohyoid-digastric motoneurons were essentially unchanged after motoparalysis induced by administration of gallamine triethiodide. Based on these findings, the mode of corticifugal connection between the frontal cortex and the trigeminal motoneurons was postulated, and the process contributing to the generation and maintenance of the masticatory rhythm was discussed.

Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


