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In 25 lightly anesthetized (ether inhalation) and motoparalysed (Flaxedil, 3mg/kg, i. v.) adult rabbits, action potentials were recorded from the masseteric or the mylohyoid nerve bundle when the potentials were produced by a single stimulus to the mesencephalic tract of the trigeminal nerve or to the inferior dental nerve ipsilaterally. The reflex potential of the masseteric nerve is known to be conveyed monosynaptically and achieves the proprioceptive jaw closing reflex, while the reflex potential of the mylohyoid nerve is produced poly-synaptically and contributes to the exteroceptive (nociceptive) jaw opening reflex. Reflex stimuli were delivered with various delays after the con-ditioning stimuli applied to the ipsilateral or contra-lateral frontal cortex. The reflex potential of the masseteric nerve was inhibited for the period begining at 3-4 msec and lasting to 80-120 msec after the stimulus. No significant difference was noted in the appearance of these effects when the conditioning stimulus was applied to the ipsi or contralateral cortex. However, the reflex potentialof the mylohyoid nerve received a bilaterally different influence from the cortex. Namely, a stimulus to the ipsilateral cortex produced no or a scare change, whereas that to the contralateral cortex brought about a remarkable inhibition begining at a few msec and lasting till 60-80 msec after the cortical stimulus. From these, bilateraldifferences in the functional connection can be postulated mainly between the frontal cerebral cortex and the arc of the jaw opening reflex. A possible neural arrangement and mode of connection for such differences have been discussed in the relevance of some physiological function of the jaw.
Copyright © 1978, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.