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EFFECT OF ISOPROTERENOL ON CEREBRAL CIRCULATION IN DOGS Akira Matsumoto 1,2 , Toshio Eguchi 1 , Hideyuki Kuyama 1 , Shunichiro Fujimoto 1 , Hideaki Onbe 1 , Shoji Tsuchimoto 1 1Department of Neurological Surgery, Okayama University Medical School pp.751-757
Published Date 1979/8/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406204447
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Isoproterenol, which is a beta adrenergic stimu-lant, has three different types; two isomers and its racemic compound. Recently, it is well known that isoproterenol has a vasodilatation effect, since Sundt et al. have used isoproterenol for the treat-ment of vasospasm following subarachnoid hemor-rhage. But its influence on cerebral circulation in normal brain is still controversial. And also there are few reports to compare the effects of 1-iso-proterenol with that of its racemic compound on cerebral blood flow.

The present study investigated the effect of two types of isoproterenol (1- and dl-isoproterenol) on cerebral circulation in 13 mongrel dogs anesthetized with 5-10 mg/kg of ketamine hydrochloride. Before and after intravenous injection of isoproterenol, cerebral blood flow was measured by hydrogen clearance technique and heat clearance method. Similarly cerebral blood volume was monitored by photoelectric method which has been developed in our laboratory. The sensor of this apparatus for measuring cerebral blood volume consists of three gadgets ; microlamp, photodiode to which infra-red filter is attached, and polyethylene catheter with its tip open for intracranial pressure measurement. The sensor is applied on the brain surface to measure the intensity of the optical absorption of hemoglobin in the brain tissue.

First of all, we investigated the effects of intra-venous injection of 1-isoproterenol in increasingdoses from 0.05 mg to 0.4 mg. A dose-dependent increase in cerebral blood flow was observed in this experiment. Then we used 0.2 mg of each type of isoproterenol for intravenous injection to compare the effects of both isoproterenol on cere-bral blood flow. In each type of isoproterenol, cerebral blood volume and intracranial pressure increased immediately after injection, and then followed by increase of cerebral blood flow up to 120% by comparing the preinjection value. Then this phenomena adversely started to decrease for the next 30 minutes and finally disappeared. Namely, 3 minutes after intravenous injection of 1- and dl-isoproterenol, cerebral blood flow was found to be increased by 121.8±13.8% (mean values ±SD) and 122±12.3% of preinjection value, respectively. Fifteen minutes after the injection, cerebral blood flow showed 106.2±12.2% and 108.4 15.5%. Finally, 30 minutes after the injection cerebral blood flow were estimated 103.0±11.9% and 100.8±18.6%. We could not find out any difference between the effects of both types of isoproterenol on cerebral blood flow.

These experimental data assumed that both l-and dl-isoproterenol directly dilate the cerebral vessels resulting in increase of cerebral blood flow after intravenous administration.

Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


