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HALLUCINATORY SYMPTOMS PRODUCED BY CONRAY VENTRICULOGRAPHY IN THE AQUEDUCTAL OCCLUSIVE PATIENTS Eiki Kobayashi 1 , Tadahiro Mihara 1 , Hiroshi Awa 1 , Tetsuhiko Asakura 1 1Department of Neurosurgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kagoshima pp.349-357
Published Date 1979/4/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406204394
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Hallucinatory symptoms as a complication of Conray ventriculography (CVG) have been never reported. However, the authors have recently experienced identical hallucinatory symptoms insome of CVG performed cases, especially in the patients of aqueductal occlusive diseases.

Comparing the Conray ventriculograms with the clinical symptoms, we have considered the mechanisms of hallucinatory symptoms and con-cluded as follows :

1) Transient hallucinatory symptoms appeared in 6 cases (28.6%) among 21 cases in whom CVG were performed.

2) In the above 6 cases, 2 were benign aqueductal occlusive diseases and 4 were pineal tumors. Conray ventriculograms showed complete occlusion of the aqueduct in 4 cases (66.7%).

3) In non-occlusive cases of the aqueduct, hallucinatory symptoms rarely appeared (13.3%), and were slighter, and shorter in duration than in the occlusive cases.

4) Hallucinatory symptoms appeared fitfully just on the day or next when the CVG was performed. They were chiefly consist of the visual hallu-cinations such as moving small animals, cars, persons and so on.

5) As a producing mechanism of such symptoms, we consider that Conray might influenced selectively on the wall of the posterior part of the third ventricle and the upper aqueduct, and might evoked the neuronal activity underneath them. Then visual hallucinations, which were assumed to be identical with hallucinose pedonculaire (L'hermitte) or brainstem hallucinosis, could appeared. We thought these facts could be contributory to the evidences of the mechanism of the subcortical hallucination.

Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


