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最近,Keller5)は生化学的に,Constantinidisら1)は螢光組織化学的に,Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone(TRH)が祝床下部を含む脳内のnoradrenaline (NA)の代謝回転を促進させることを報告している。これらの実験事実は視床下部内のNA系終末部からのNAの放出がTRHによって促進されている可能性を強く示唆しており,彼等はTRHが脳内のNA系を賦活する効果を有しているのではないかと考えている。
Effects of TRH tartrate on the lateral hypo-thalamus self-stimulation (SS) behavior of rats werestudied in order to examine the influence of TRHtartrate on the function of noradrenergic system inmedial forebrain bundle.
5mg/kg of TRH tartrate tended to suppress theSS behavior. 10 mg/kg of TRH tartrate, transiently,suppressed the SS behavior for the first 30 minutesafter the injection of TRH tartrate. Especially,marked suppression of the SS behavior was observedimmediately after the injection of 20mg/kg ofTRH tartrate, and it tended to be restored after 60minutes. These effects of TRH tartrate (10mg/kgand 20mg/kg) significantly differed from those ofsaline control.
Suppression of the SS behavior by TRH tartrate(20mg/kg) was more markedly observed in thecase of low frequency SS rates with lower currentstimulus than in that of high frequency SS rateswith higher current.
Suppressive effect of TRH tartrate (20mg/kg) onSS behavior was antagonized by 0.5mg/kg ofmethamphetamine,
20mg/kg of TRH tartrate tended to suppress theSS behavior more strongly after the pretreatmentwith a-methyl-p-tyrosine (400 mg/kg).
These data obtained from the present experimentsuggest that TRH tartrate itself may suppress SSbehavior by its antagonistic action on the nor-adrenergic system in medial forebrain bundle of rats.

Copyright © 1977, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.