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polymine代謝は正常細胞のみならず腫瘍細胞の増殖に際しても亢進していることが明かにされているが9),悪性腫瘍患者の尿中polyamineが健康人より増加しているというRussell et al12)の報告がなされて以来,血中や尿中のpolyamineを測定しそれを臨床へ応用しようという試みが検討されてきている10)。
The purpose of this report is to evaluate whetherthe blood levels of polyamines in patients withbrain tumor reflect the state of tumor proliferation.In 88 patients with brain tumor and 30 controls,the blood polyamine concentration were assayed,using an ion exchange column chromatography—cellulose・acetate membrane electrophoresis method.Studies were carried out to find the relationshipbetween these levels and varieties of brain tumor.Furthermore, the relationship between these levelsand the degree of histological malignancy werealso studied about the patients with glioma.
The blood polyamine levels in the controls, ex-pressed with the mean±standard deviation, were7.1±3.7 nmoles/ml for spermidine, 3.3±1.8 nmoles/ml for spermine and 10.5±4.5 nmoles/ml forspermidine plus spermine.
In the group of 34 patients with glioma, theblood levels of spermidine and spermine weresignificantly higher (Pr.<0.01). No significantdifferences were seen in these levels between thecontrol and the groups of 13 patients withneurinoma, 13 patients with meningioma, 5 patientswith pituitury adenoma, 4 patients with hemangio-blastoma, and 2 patients with pinealoma. In onepatient with plexus papilloma the levels of bloodspermidine and spermine were within normal range,and in one patient with reticulum cell sarcomaboth of these levels were remarkably high. Be-tween the group of 16 patients with metastaticbrain tumor and the control, no significant differ-ences were seen in the blood spermidine concen-tration, but the blood spermine levels were signi-ficantly higher in the metastatic brain tumor group(Pr.<0.05).
The blood levels of spermidine and sperminewere significantly higher in the groups of 12patients with astrocytoma, of 19 patients withmalignant glioma (Pr. <0.01). Among the patientswith glioma there was the tendency that the moremalignantly the degree of the histological findingincreased, the higher became the blood levels ofpolyamines.
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