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最近Thyrotropin releasing hormane (TRH)が,本来のTSH放出作用の他に中枢神経賦活作用があることが注目されてきた。その根拠となる事実は次の通りである。
The effects of Thyrotropin-Releasing HormoneTartrate (TRH-T) on consciousness disturbance,which persisted steadily for more than one week,were studied on 14 patients of brain tumors, headinjuries and cerebrovascular lesions. The mean oftheir age, the length of consciousness disturbanceand the steady period of it were 38.5 year old, 3.4moTRH-T was administered intravenously or intra-muscularly daily for ten days. Four cases werenot suitable for assessment of effects of TRH-T,because operative procedure was carried out in thetrial period, etc. The other 10 cases were evaluatedby new grading of level of disordered consciousness(Ohta et al., Neurological Surgery,2: 623, 1974).The improvement of consciousness disturbance wasjudjed by recovering of grade of the abovementioned grading.
The results of this study are as followings.
1) 50% of patients showed improvement of con-sciousness level in this trial reriod.
2) The effects of TRH-T did not appear promptlybut appeared gradually in three or seven days.
3) The level up state of consciousness of somecases persisted after administration of TRH-T wasquitted. This fact suggests that TRH-T triggersimproving of consciousness.
4) TRH-T showed relatively favorable effect onmildly or moderately disturbed consciousness andthe effects were remarkable in the improvement ofmental activity and affect.
5) No remarkable side effects nor abnormality inlavoratory data were observed.

Copyright © 1977, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.