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Twenty two cases of the cervical and thoraciccord injury were studied to determine hemodynamicand respiratory function within 7 days from theinjury.
Most patients showed a tendency of bradycardiaand hypotension on admission which were moreremarkable in the group of lower cervical cord orthe upper thoracic cord lesion than the uppercervical cord group. Such a hypotension and brady-cardia tended to recover within 7 days.
In cervical cord injury, cardiac output remained unchanged, which indicated that initial hypotension was due to decreased total peripheral resistance.
Respiratory rate was slightly increased in mostpatients, but did'nt show any significant differenceamong the level of the lesion. PaO2 andPaCO2were within normal range on admission, howeverPaO2 decreased gradually in 7 days only in cervicalcord injury.
Increased pulmonary arterial pressure was con-firmed during the above hypoxemic period. It sug-gests that disturbance of neurological control ofpulmonary circulation might play a significant rolein the respiratory insufficiency of cervical cordinjury.

Copyright © 1977, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.