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ACUTE BRAIN SWELLING AND CSF ACIDOSIS A CLINICAL STUDY Kikushi Katsurada 1 , Ryohei Yamada 1 , Michio Ogawa 1 , Takao Minami 1 , Ichiro Tahara 1 1Department of Traumatology, Osaka University Medical School pp.1597-1604
Published Date 1972/12/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406203236
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In 38 patients who had been suffering from acute, severe head injury, the acid-base status of cerebro-spinal fluid (CSF), arterial blood (A) and internal jugular venous blood (JV) were investigated. The intraventricular CSF pressure was also monitored on them. In 17 patients, the intraventricular pres-sure showed rapid and progressive rise and ultimate-ly equalled to the mean arterial pressure. This state was regarded as acute brain swelling. The special attention was directed to the relation bet-ween CSF acidosis and the progress of acute brain swelling.

As reported previously, the decrease of CSF HCO3- ion concentration was of common finding in the early period after severe cerebral trauma. But at the stage of acute brain swelling, the re-markable fall of CSF PH was observed invariably, in addition to decreased CSF HCO3-. There was an evidence at that time that the decrease of CSF PCO2 was not sufficient to retain normal CSF PH. As the acute brain swelling advanced, CSF PCO2 climbed to extremely high level, mostly above 80 mmHg. The abnormal acid-base status of CSF above mentioned was independent on that of arter-ial blood.

The acute brain swelling was always preceded by the extreme and sustained fall of CSF HCO3-. That was, especially when associated with minimal decrease of PCO2, the sign of the subsequent acute brain swelling in most cases. In addition, it was noticeable that both the CSF-A and CSF-JV PCO2 difference were widened in this situation. These data might indicate that the elimination of brain tissue CO2 was impaired by CSF-blood block and by the cessation of cerebral venous return as well. CSF PCO2 should be estimated not as a respiratory factor but as a cerebral circulatory one. It was true that the phenomenon of so-called neurogenic hyper-ventilation was a homeostatic reaction to keep normalPH of CSF. But the phenomenon was seen to a larger extent in the patients who showed CSF-A PCO2 difference of wider value.

From the data obtained from the present study, the therapeutic value of intravenous administration of bicarbonate or THAM solution and artificial hyperventilation should be suggested. Our feelingwas that the significant effects of them could not be expected on the brain tissue level, since the interstitial edema and the circulatory disturbance might interfere with it. The indication and the method to correct the disturbance of CSF acid-base balance were discussed.

Copyright © 1972, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


