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Changes of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) PH, PCO2,HCO3- and PO2 were investigated in seven patientswith purulent meningitis.
The results obtained were as follows:
1) The most significant changes concerned CSFHCO3- concentration, which was reduced invariablyduring purulent meningitis. The decrease in CSFHCO3- was fairly paralleled with increased cellcount and with decreased sugar content in CSF.But in a few instances of early meningitic stageand of convalescence, the fall of CSF HCO3- wasobserved without significant changes in cell numbersor sugar concentrations.
2) Except for two cases, there was a lack ofCSF PH changes, despite the fact that CSF HCO3-was reduced to 14-18 mEq/l. The another twopatients showed extraordinary fall in CSF HCO3-,PH (below than 7.27) and PO2, and rise in CSFPCO2. It was suggested in them that there wasa blockade of CSF comminucation in one patient,and severe circulatory disturbance of cerebral tissuein the other.
3) CSF PCO2 was mostly below normal at therange from 30 to 40 mmHg. It might be well cor-related to hypocapnea in arterial blood.
4) CSF/arterial PO2 ratio was significantly re-duced at the severest stages of meningitis, com-pared with that of recoverd period.
The chemical changes such as CSF acid-basedisturbance could not be pathognomonic, and theeventual diagnosis of meningitis is to be confirmedby cell count, sugar content and bacterial exam-ination of CSF. But it should be emphasized thatCSF acid-base status is easily and immediatelydetermined at the first, and, at the second, it sug-gests the prognosis of the patients more exactly,since it would reflect the metabolic changes ofbrain tissue, not only of CSF.
Copyright © 1974, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.