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We selected 34 cases of psychomotor epilepsy withlaughing fits from our own studies and from theliterature, and then studied their EEG results inthe light of cerebral dominance. We excluded suchcases as showed laughing fits with appropriatepleasant feelings which could be interpreted as"emotional fits".
As a control group, we adopted cases from aprevious survey of psychomotor epilepsy. Thus, ofthe cases of psychomotor epilepsy with laughingfits, 26 showed EEG abnormalities on the left side,and 8 on the right. Of the cases of psychomotorepilepsy without laughing fits, 151 showed EEGabnormalities on the left side, and 131 on the right.It is unfortunate that handedness has not beennoted in most cases in the literature.
Results showed that the incidence of EEG abnor-malities on the left side in cases of psychomotorepilepsy with laughing fits was statistically higherthan in those cases without laughing fits. Mean-while, several authors have pointed out thatpsychical seizures (apart from aphasic fits) areusually found in cases with right-sided lesions.
We might presume that, as far as laughter isconcerned, the deep temporal structures which dis-pose of human emotional functions are workingmore actively in the left hemisphere, and are con-nected with the functions of thought and language.However, if we premise an antagonism betweenthe two cerebral hemispheres, we can conjecturethat disturbances in the left hemisphere liberatethe emotional functions situated in the right hemi-sphere, thus producing the symptom of ictal laugh-ter.

Copyright © 1977, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.