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A role of immune system in neoplastic disease has long been of great interest from etiological and therapeutic points of view. In the present studies patients with malignant neoplasm were found to have the depressed cell-mediated immunity.
We have already pointed out the depressed cell-mediated immunity in patients with brain tumor, particularly in those with glioma, which was indi-cated by 3H-thymidine uptake into blastic trans-formed lymphocytes to phytohemagglutinin (PHA). But it was unknown whether the fall of 3H- thymidine uptake was due to the decrease of T-cells in regularized lymphocytes or the dysfunction of several T-cell about DNA synthesis.
In order to clarify this problem, we measured the population of lymphocytes in peripheral venous blood and the subpopulation of the thymus-derivedlymphocytes (T-cell) in them. Lymphocytes were separated from heparinized venous blood by gravity segimentation method. T-cells were decided from the separated lymphocytes with sheep red blood cells which were the markers to form ROSETTE round the T-cell membrane.
Of all the patients with glioma, those with other brain tumor and control subjects, lymphocytes con-stituted 21±10%, 25±10% and 36±16% of their peripheral blood cells, 36±10%, 38±10% and 44± 12% of which were T-cells. Lymphocyte counts (T-cell counts) were 1167±545/mm3, 1947±1052/ mm3 and 2244±871/mm3 (486±309/mm3, 700+305/ mm3 and 915±208/mm3) in each group. T-cell percentages were similar to one another and there were no statistic differences between them. T-cell counts in patients with glioma were more decreased than those in the other two groups with statistic difference. It is certain that the decrease of T-cells in patients with glioma is due to the decrease of lymphocytes in their peripheral venous blood. And it is also certain that the fall of 3H-thymidine uptake in them will be affected not by the decrease of T-cells in regularized lymphocytes, but by thedysfunction of several lymphocyte.
On the other hand it is said that the suppressed blastogenic response of lymphocytes in correlated with the depression of the delayed hypersensitivity reactions (DHR), and accordingly the depression of them may also be affected by the dysfunction of several T-cell. In order to prove this supposition, it is necessary to clarify the existence of correlation between DHR and the counts of immuno-competent cell (lymphocyte and T-cell). We tested the DHR in patients with brain tumor with tuberculin and dinitrochlorobenzen (DNCB). Skin reactivity to tuberculin was depressed in them, particularly in those with glioma, but it was also depressed in a half of the control subjects. As to DNCB the skin reactivity was depressed in three-fourth patient with brain tumor and almost none of the control subjects was depressed. DNCB was, it was assumed, the better antigen to clarify the depressed cell-mediated immunity in patients with brain tumor than tuberculin. Whether patients have brain tumor or not, lymphocyte and T-cell counts tended to be decreased in cases with depressed DHR.
From the results as mentioned above, it is con-cluded that the depressed cell-mediated immunity in patients with brain tumor, including in those with glioma, is concerned with both the dysfunction of several T-cell and the decrease of T-cell counts in general. How to activate and how to increase the T-cells are the important problems to accomplish the treatment in patients with brain tumor.

Copyright © 1975, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.