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以上のような観点から,CDP-cholineの髄腔内投与で血液内投与に比べはるかにすぐれた臨床効果,あるいは後者にみられない効果が得られる可能性が推定される。事実,そのような臨床報告もいくつかなされている1,4,8,14〜16,21)。そこでCDP-cholineについて静脈内投与(intravenous administration,以下IV投与と略す)と髄腔内投与(intrathecal administration,以下IT投与と略す)の効果を,実験的に厳密に比較検討することは有意義であろう。そのためにはできるだけ客観的で明解な指標を用いて検討したい。その目的には脳波の回復を指標とするのが適当と判断した。その理由は次の通りである。①CDP-cholineが脳波に著明な賦活効果を有していることが,多くの実験的・臨床的研究に示されること3,5,10,11,18),②動物実験の場合,意識の状態や反応などよりも客観的に効果が分析できること,③一定の障害モデルを作りやすいこと,などによる。
CDP-choline (cytidine diphosphate choline) is effective for the treatment of intracranial organic lesions, such as head injury, Parkinsonism, cere-brovascular disease, etc., CDP-choline can be admini-strated via intrathecal route as well as intravenous or intramuscular one.
The availability of intrathecal CDP-choline was tested on 26 paralized, artificially respirated cats, by observing the recovery of disturbed EEG, which was produced by pressure by mean of ballooning on the midbrain for ten minutes enough to flatten the EEG (Fig. 1). The EEG grade that was used in this experiment was shown in Figure 2.
The EEG of control group recovered very slowly and insufficiently as shown in Figure 3, whereas the EEG of cats with intrathecally administrated CDP-choline exhibited remarkable and sufficient improvement as well as those with intravenous administration (Figs. 4 and 5). The former re-covery was faster than the latter one. The effective-ness of CDP-choline was enhanced to maximum by combinated administration of intrathecal and in-travenous CDP-choline as shown in Figures 6 and 7, the mechanism of which was diagramatized in Figure 8.

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