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TRAUMATIC INTRACRANIAL HEMATOMA IN CHILDREN PART I: EXPERIENCE OF OUR CASES Masayuki Matsushima 1 , Kyozo Ando 1 , Kozo Sato 1 , Makoto Kako 1 , Yoichi Suzuki 1 , Shozo Shimada 2 , Hiroshi Oka 3 , Toyoshiro Yamamoto 4 1Department of Neurosurgery, Osaka Red Cross Hospital pp.871-878
Published Date 1973/7/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406203345
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Fifty three cases of traumatic intracranial he-matomas in children under 15 years of age were reported with a special reference to their charac-teristics in clinical pictures. They were admitted to Osaka Red Cross Hospital for last eight and ahalf years, and represented 12. 0 per cent of the total intracranial hematoma and 9. 1 per cent of all children hospitalized with head injury during this period.

The frequency of epidural hematoma in our series (17 cases) showed its common occurrence in children except for infancy. Skull fracture was noted in all cases in contrast to many reports of relatively frequent abscence of it. The lack of initial unconsciousness was very common in child-hood, and symptoms and signs were much more mild with the prolonged course than those of the adult. Even in such cases fairly large hematomas were evacuated at the operation. On the other hand, when the compensatory mechanism for in-creased intracranial pressure was broken down, the very rapid deterioration of the condition may ensue. These various courses of the hematoma must be recognized for their successful treatment.

Subdural hematomas (23 cases) were all derived from the postnatal head injury. In 11 of 16 acute cases they took place with an everyday head in-jury such as falling on a floor, and 10 of them were under 2 years of age. The common site of impact in these patients was the occiput, and no skull fracture was noted in them. In a case show-ing a typical course, the convulsion developed immediately after injury, followed by the rapid lowering of the level of consciousness. There was no association with the cerebral contusion ex-cept for two cases. In five of such patients it was recognized at the operation that the rupture of the bridging vein of the superior sagittal sinus was the source of bleeding. The mechanism in-volved in such occurrence of the hematoma would be explained by a shear strain produced between the brain and skull at the time of impact.

Other hematomas, intracerebral and combined, and the subdural hydroma were also described.

Copyright © 1973, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


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