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In 20 cases of unilateral chronic subdural he-matoma the EEG findings were reviewed in relation to the cerebral angiography and some other clinical findings. The results were as follows.
1) Decreased amplitude of alpha activity was found in cases where the hematoma developed rapidly after the neurological symptoms had appeared. But there was no relation found be-tween the thickness of the hematoma and the de-crease of the amplitude.
2) Increased amplitude of the alpha activity wasalways associated with a thick hematoma, which had developed slowly during a long clinical term.
3) Marked asymmetric slow waves on the side of the hematoma were seen in cases with a thick hematoma, which had developed rapidly after the manifestation of neurological symptoms.
4) Monorhythmic frontal delta activity was found in cases which in the angiogram showed a remark-able shift of the anterior cerebral artery.
5) Slow alpha activity due to the existence of a hematoma was found only in elderly patients.
As seen above, in cases of subdural hematoma, the EEG findings had some relation to the thick-ness of the hematoma and the shift of the anterior cerebral artery and also were depending consider-ablly on the development of the clinical course of the hematoma.
In two cases the EEG recordings showed no ab-normal findings, in spite of the fact that hemato-mas actually existed. It should be noted that these hematomas were not smaller in size than those of the other cases. This again indicates that in cases of subdural hematoma, the EEG recordings are not always reliable.
Copyright © 1973, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.