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ホルモンの2nd messengerとしてのAdenosine-3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cyclic AMP)(以下cAMPと略す)は,1958年Sutherland19)が提唱して以来急激に発展し,各方面で極めて多数の論文が著われていることは周知の通りである20)。しかし腫瘍細胞との関係についての報告は,1968年以来僅か数篇を数えるのみであつた。しかもそのアプローチは,この物質が腫瘍細胞の成長,増殖を抑制するか否かの観点からのものであった。1971年に著われたHsieら5),およびJohnsonら6)の論文はcAMPによる悪性腫瘍細胞の形態学的変化を,その分化一良性化の立場から追求した最初のものであり,新しい研究方向を示した。彼らはchinese hamster cell line(CHO-Kl),L-929細胞,XC細胞等の間葉系の細胞について,cAMPによる形態学的変化を認め,HeLa細胞,ヒトの絨毛上皮腫等についてはその作用がないと報告している。
Authors studied the effect of adenosine-3': 5'-cyclic monophosphate (cyclic AMP) on the malig-nant glioma cells. 1-3 mM dibutyryl cyclic AMP were added in the medium of cultured human glio-blastoma cells and the methylcholanthrene induced glioblastoma cells of C57 black mouse. 10-24 hours after the treatment, the piled up tumor cells released from each other and the long fine cell processes appeared, and later, the cell bodies became elon-gated and the long cell processes formed loose net-works. By the scanning electron microscopy, the transformation of the cell surface structures was observed ; the roughness of cell surface and disar-rangement of thickend glial fibres were altered to the smooth one with regularly arranged fine flial fibres. In vivo study was also performed using the induced glioblastoma bearing mice.
By the repeated administrations of dibutyryl cyclic AMP for 1 month, the growth of tumorwas supressed 49%, and even in the cases in which the growth was not yet inhibited, the elongation of tumor cells and the increase of microcyst for-mation were recognized. By the transmission electron microscopy of these tissues, the micro-tubules in both cell processes and cytoplasm in-creased remarkably. These morphological changes could be considered as differentiation or benign transformation of the malignant glioma cells. The possibility of clinical application of theis sub-stance to the treatment of malignant gliomas was also discussed.
Copyright © 1973, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.