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An autopsy case of MICROGLIOMATOSIS is reported. A 65 yrs. old male was first complained, of left hemiparesis and dysarthria, and he died within seventeen months after the onset. On necropsy, the brain weighed 1350 gm and showed, the bilateral globus pallidus, thalamu, corpus cal-losum and brain stem was replaced by soft greyish brown malacic lesion with ill defined margin. This abnormal tissue extended from brain stem to cere-bellum, pons and medulla. Histologically, the .ab-normal tissue consists of densely cellular tumor with perivascular cell aggregation. The tumor cells ori-ginated from intracerebral reticular tissue are varied in size and, shape, and contain nuclei with distinct nuclear membrane, dense chromatin clump and a few mitotic figures. And in these cells, there are some large cells with fairly eosinophilic cytoplasm and mutinucleated giant cells as Sternberg's cell. By Pap staining, concentric rings of reticulin fibers around the affected vessels enclosed small, groups of, tumor cells. This case shows no evidence of ex-tracerebral tumor. The nomenclatur and some clinicopathological points are discus sed by review of previous reported cases.

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