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後頭蓋窩腫瘍の局在と脳波との関連については報告者によつて異なり未だ一定していない。1940年Smith10)が異常脳波のlateralityは腫瘍と同側に偏在すると報告した。Rheinberger11)らは23例について異常脳波の現われた側とtumorの存在する側との関連は認められないことを述べ,Dow12)は51例で特有なfocal signはなかつたと述べている。Bagchi13)は50例中30例にcontralateral dominanceがみられたといい,川口7)は片側性脳幹部腫瘍5例中3例が同側性に優勢であつたと述べ,また村松5)はdelta focusの出現はその部位と関連して意義があると考えている。
A case of brain stem tumor showing unusual electroencephalographic findings was reported.
A 17-year-old boy first noted weakness of the left forearm in the middle of June, 1969. From that time, gradually the left upper, left lower and right lower limb were involved and finally bulbar muscles were involved within five months.
The EEG was first recorded one month after the onset of the initial symptom and showed theta and delta wave bursts in the front-central areas, more dominant on the right side. The EEG re-examined six days and one month after the first one showed the similar pattern to the first. At that time, the site of lesion was suspected to be in the right cerebral hemisphere, but right carotid angiogram showed no abnormality.
From the end of Sept. 1969, he complained of dysphagia. The neurologic examination disclosed pyramidal signs in the left upper and bilateral low limbs, horizotal nystagmus, dysphagia and slight nuchal rigidity. On the November, 10 days before his death, EEG improved markedly and was almost normal.
On autopy, main lesion was located in the medulla oblongata with glioblastoma multiforme, and tumor was expanded from the corpus callosum to the third cervical cord. It is noteworthy that the site of lesion is more dominant on the right side except corpus callosum.
The relationship between the site of the lesion in the posterior fossa tumors and laterality on EEG is inconsistent. Smith reported ipsilateral domin-ance on EEG changes in posterior fossa turners in 1940.
The last EEG turned to normal due to the ex-pansion to the lower brain stern, in particular, the lower pontine of which inhibitory system to be destroyed.

Copyright © 1971, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.