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Visually evoked responses were studied in eleven cerebral palsied and seven normal control children during the waking resting state. The flash light stimulus was delivered to the closed eyes of the sub-jects in sequences of 1 f/sec and at random. Elec-trodes for electroencephalographic (EEG) potentials were placed on the subject's scalp by ten-twenty system. Fifty responses contaminated by background activities in the EEG potentials, which were recorded on the magnetic tape through 8-channel polygraph and 8-channel data recorder, were summated in the length of 500 msec by the Digital Computer For Data Processing (ATAC-401).
In agreement with other authors, the normal evoked responses were comprised of an initial, sec-ondary or late and rhythmic after potentials. Com-pared the responses of the palsied patients with those of normal subjects with respect to the general configuration, sequential appearance, bilateral sym-metry, amplitudes and peak latencies of each response components, little differences except some of the peak latencies were observed between them. How-ever, a significant reduction in the peak latencies of late component and after potentials was verified in most of the patients.
Taking the current concept on the late and after potentials into consideration, it would be capable of inferring from this evidence that there may possibly be a sort of release phenomenon from inhibitory control activity in the non-specific system of such cerebral palsied patient that are impaired mildly or moderately in their motor activities.
Copyright © 1968, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.