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ところで,脳膿瘍に関する脳波学的報告Walter16)の報告をはじめ多くの発表があるが,space taking lesionとして脳膿瘍は一般に他の脳腫瘍や頭蓋内血腫などよりも高度な脳波的異常を示すことがいわれており,補助診断法としての脳波検査の重要性が強調されてきた。
The authors reported a case of brain abscess and a case of subdural abscess and discussed mainly the EEG findings.
(1) A case of brain abscess was diagnosed at first as brain tumor, because of the lack of inflammatory signs and symptoms. The EEG findings and past history of the case, however, appeared to imply encapsulated brain abscess. By operation a thick encapsulated brain abscess was found in location suggested from EEG findings.
(2) Referring to most literature, electroenceph-alographic abnormalities of brain abscess were more prominent than those of brain tumor. However, the authors presumed that recently some brain abscess, often encapsulated, tends to show less prom-inent EEG abnormalities than those of malignant brain tumor by current antibiotic treatments.
(3) A case of subdural abscess, we failed to make the localization by carotid angiogram because the lesion was located in the frontal region. In t his case, EEG revealed localized slow activity in the frontal-anterior temporal regions.
(4) EEG seems to be the most reliable examina-tion in determination of localization of the subdural abscess.

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