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SERVOANALYTIC STUDY ON MANUAL CONTROL SYSTEM OF PARKINSON PATIENTS:In Reference to the Change of Dynamic Characteristics Before and After Stereotaxic VL Thalamotomy Ryoshin FUJIWARA 1 1First Department of Internal Medicine, Nagoya University School of Medicine pp.675-685
Published Date 1968/7/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406202399
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For analysing a manual control system, a servo-analytic method was taken. The motor coordination apparatus consist of pointer, handle with potentio-meter and recorder. Watching the pointer moved by complex unpredictable input, mixed three sinusoids, the examinee followed it with the handle carefully. Frequency ratio of three low frequency sinusoids utilized for excluding man's predictability was about 4 : 2 : 1 and ratio of amplitude was 1 : 2 : 4. Total amplitude was ±21 degrees.

Thirteen combinations of three sinusoids, with cen-tral frequency ranged between 0. 04 cps and 4 cps with linear relationship, were assorted at random fashion.

A sinusoid with central frequency in the un-predictable input and a component of the same fre-quency filtered from total output through a band pass filter, were picked up and compared with each other. Both gain and phase difference in the cen-tral frequency were calculated, from which data gain curve, phase difference curve and Nyquist diagram were plotted.

As experimental material 6 normal subjects, 20 parkinsonian subjects (7 cases before thalamotomy, 5 cases before and after and 8 cases after thala-motomy) were observed. On the gain curve of par-kinsonian subjects, the severer the disease, the less prominent the resonances which were appeared in normal subjects, the gain diminishes and the break-ing frequency becomes down, in comprison to nor-mal subjects' one.

By thalamotomy on moderate case, the resonances on the gain curve begin to recover, the gains in-crease to be near the normal values and the higher frequencies than preoperative one are able to be fol-lowed by the postoperative patients. On severe cases, the effect of thalamotomy still remains in the same grade of non-operative mild or moderate case. The gain curve several years after operation, shows di-minution of resonances again.

One of the reasons why normal and parkinsonian subjects have the same resonant frequencies seems to be the physical characteristics of arm, such as el-asticity, viscosity, inertia etc.

Each of phase difference curve shows gradually increasing lag in the response of the higher fre-quency, whose tendency is shown more prominent in severe cases. On the moderate case, however, phase lag between 0.2 cps and 0.5 cps is somewhat prominent but this recovers by VL tomy, coming near normal curve. This fact may be due partly to disappearance of its tremor.

Each of Nyquist diagram does not encircle a crit-ical point (-1+jo), expressing stability, but the Nyquist diagram of parkinsonian subjects shows that their stable response range is narrower than that of normal subjects.

Thalamotomy spreads the stable range and in-creases the speed of reaction near to normal range in terms of servomechanism.

Copyright © 1968, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


