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1. Clinical analysis: Fifteen epileptics were treat-ed by daily dosage of 200 to 1200 mg of Tegretol for 3 to 15 months of period: 6 psychomotor, 1 autonomic, 2 focal, 4 grand mal, 1 headache and 1 grand mal combined with psychomotor in seizure types. They were diagnosed in electroencephalogra-phic examination in addition to clinical anamnesis. Marked antiepileptic effect was obtained in all 6 psy-chomotor and also in autonomic seizures. In case of the combined type, psychomotor seizure was alle-viated leaving the grand mal seizure intact. No effect was found in the resting group of focal, grand mal and headache seizure. EEG improvement was found in case of seizure alleviation : disappearance of abnormal seizure discharge and increment of nor-mal background activity.
2. Experimental analysis: Acute experiment was performed in unanesthetized cats in order to make an analysis for preferential antiepileptic action of Te-gretol. Tegretol was intravenously given in the so-lution of propylen glycol. After-discharge threshold for electrical stimulation was measured for indication of antiepileptic effect at various cerebral structures such as motor cortex, ventrolateral nucleus of the thalamus, lenticular nucleus and limbic structures. The antiepileptic action seemed to remain for almost 60 minutes, and 90 to 120 minutes after the admini-stration of 5 and 10 mg/kg respectively. In any dosage of administration, marked evidences were the best increment of after-discharge threshold at limbic structures and no change at the lenticular after-dis-charge threshold. The cortico-thalamic system also reacted to Tegretol, but the threshold increment was not large enough to compare with the one of the limbic system.
3. Conclusion: It is, thus, concluded that Tegretol preferentially ally acts to limbic structures in the anti-epileptic point of view, comparing with the action to the cortico-thalamic and lenticular structures.

Copyright © 1967, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.