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Shaw, et al.29)によつて紹介されたβ—β—methylethylglutarimide (以後メジマイドとよぶ)は,1956年Delay,et al.5)〜7)の報告以来てんかん患者の異常脳波賦活剤として常用されている。実験てんかん発作および臨床面での発作波賦活に関する本剤の作用機序ないし作用効果に関して,それ以前から用いられているメトラゾールと比較して質的な差という観点に立つて論じた報告はほとんど見当らない。正常の脳内機構はその生理解剖学的な差によつて刺激に対して異なつた感受性を有するので,いかなる刺激法を引いてもその結果として一津に同じ型の興奮あるいはてんかん発作波が誘発されるものと断定してはならないであろう。
An attempt was done in order to make an electro-physiological analysis of the Megimide-induced seizure by means of the depth EEG. Fractional administration of the Megimide solution (2.5mg/30sec) was given in unanaesthetized cats.
1. The minimum dosage of the Megimide inducing the major seizure, multiple spike discharge associated with convulsion, was 10.0mg/kg.
2. The excitation which was indicated by sharp waves or spikes in EEG was originated at the motor cortex. In contrast, the origination at the limbic struc-tures or subcorticobrainstem was found in none of the cases.
3. It is, therefore, to be concluded that the Megi-mide-induced seizure is of the cortical origin.
4. Based on these facts, the literatures concerning the clinical experiences of the Megimide provocation were reviewed with special reference to the comparison with Metrazol. An attention was stressed to pay the pharmacological potency and the mode of the seizure activation in the normal brain in case of drug acti-vation of the seizure in abnormal human brain.

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