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最近われわれは生下直後より神経症状を認め,諸種検査により脳腫瘍と診断し,死後剖検する機会を得,組織学的にもmedulloblastomaとglioblastoma multiformeが共存していたきわめて興味ある症例および帝王切開にて出生,そのときすでに巨大頭蓋を認め,剖検にて大脳中央深部に巨大な奇形腫を認めた計2例の新生児例を経験したので報告し,併せて生後2ヵ月以内の新生児脳腫瘍症例を文献的に収集し,考察を加える。
Brain tumor in the neonatal period is extremely rare. We have presented 2 cases of brain tumor in the neonatal period, and summed up ever reported 71 cases of brain tumor within 2 monthes.
Case I: 26 days old female infant who had com-plained left facial paralysis and dysphagia since her birth, and died on the next day of her admission. In autopsy, the tumor was located at the left cerebello-pontine angle and 20g in weight, which consisted of two elements of medulloblastoma and glioblastoma multif orme histologically.
Case II: one day old female infant, who was deli-vered by cesarean section. She had large head already at the time of the birth, and died 6 days after her admission and autopsy was performed. The tumor was situated at the deep midline portion of the brain, and teratoma in histology.
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