

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


THE OBSTETRICAL APPLICATION OF E. E. G. IN NEWBORM INFANTS Satoshi TANAKA 1 1Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Nippon Medical College pp.1061-1070
Published Date 1966/11/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406202128
  • Abstract
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In waking state, the E. E. G. of normal newborn infants shows mostly the irregular slow waves with medium amplitude of about 50 micro V, accompany-ing irregular quick waves with low amplitude and their peaks are in a range of c/s and 14-20 c/s and little difference is observed in the right and the left sides. Large waves with amplitude more than 100 micro V can scarcely be observed. E.E.G. of newborn infants in sleeping time was hardly distinguishable from that in the waking state but in the carefully prepared and provocated findings of E. E. G. in sleep-ing time the transitional changes from sleeping to waking were not clearly observed as in the adults and the waves and spikes during this period were unripe and incomplete.

No significant change was observed in the right and the left in sleeping and waking.

In E. E. G. of newborn infants which showed more or less some kinds of distresses after the deliveries, the appearances of differences of the right and the left and of the intermittent sporadic large slow waves with high amplitude in a range of 0.5-3 c/s were significantly more observed in comparison to the con-trol group with normal perinatal courses, which might be considered as the specific findings in such cases.

In no case abnormal findings with spike waves, spi-ke and wave complexes and sharp waves were observ-ed.

Slow waves with high amplitudes, existence of the differences of the right and the left were prevalently seen in cases of asphyxia, forceps- or vacuum deli-veries, intracranial bleeding or icterus.

It was clarified that the abnormal findings seen in cases of forceps-or vacuum deliveries had close rela-tions to the existence of asphyxia at the delivery and they were not directly caused by the obstetrical ma-nipulations of forceps- or vacuum deliveries but pre-sumably by the direct cerebral influence of the anoxia complicated at the delivery. It was also found that abnormal E. E. G. was not seen even in cases of protracted deliveries or prolonged courses after the rupture of the membrane, unless asphyxia was complicated in those cases.

No specific relation was observed between the find-ings of E.E.G. and gestational months, body weight at the delivery, cephalic hematoma and cephalematoma but in cases of complicating bleeding of the eye grounds the abnormal findings were often observed.

Some cases of the newborn infants which revealed abnormal findings of E. E. G. showed relatively poor prognosis in the long courses, compared to the normal control group, for example, in regards to the time of beginning of speaking, standing by leaning, self stand-ing or self walking and etc.

Copyright © 1966, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


