

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A NEW THIOXANTHENE DERIVATIVE (TREMARIL) FOR PARKINSONISM AND OTHER EXTRAPYRAMIDAL SYNDROM:Using Schwab's Parkinson Evaluation Sheet Akira GOTO 1 , Toshiya WATANABE 1 , Teiko AOKI 1 , Tsutomu SUGITA 1 , Hirotaro NARABAYASHI 1 1Dept. of Neurology, Juntendo Medical School pp.645-653
Published Date 1966/6/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406202068
  • Abstract
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The paper deals with the clinical effects of 9 (1'-methyl-piperidine-3'-methyl)-thioxanthene hydro-chloride (Tremaril), a new thioxanthene derivative, in 23 patients of extrapyramidal disorders : 17 parkinso-nians and each one of torsion dystonia, essential tremor, Benedikt's syndrom, Ramsay-Hunt's syndrom, Postencephalitic cerebellar ataxia and phenothiazine parkinsonism.

Observation was made mostly by using Schwab's Parkinson evaluation sheet and the following results are obtained. In 13 of the Parkinsonian cases, effects were observed to the various degree in reducing tremor, rigidity and some autonomic disturbances, such as hypersalivation or hyperhidrosis. 4 were not changed at all. However, even in the well improved cases, akinesia and the psychic symptom were not well influenced.

In 3 cases of essential tremor, Benedikt's syndrom and phenothiazine parkinsonism effect was relative. There was observed no effect in 3 cases with torsion dystonia, Ramsay-Hunt's syndrom and postencepha-litic cerebellar ataxia.

The side-effects of Tremaril were seen in 6 of 23 medicated cases (26%) and the main side-effects in these were a slight drop of the blood pressure, constipation, tiredness, a dry feeling in the mouth, tinnitus and blurred vision.

Tremaril may be considered as a drug of choice for some extrapyramidal symptoms.

Copyright © 1966, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


