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The effect of activation with gamma-hydroxybuty-rate sodium and gamma-butyrolactone on the electro-encephalogram was examined in a total of 288 neuro-psychiatric patients, and obtained the results are as follows ;
1) In epilepsy, the activation of epileptic EEG was effective on 15 (50%) out of 30 cases, and the acti-vation of abnormal EEG including epileptic EEG was effective on 20 (66.6%) out of 30 cases. In 30 (50.8 %) out of 59 cases of epilepsy we found effective activation.
2) The activation was effective on 16 (29. 0%) out of 55 cases of head trauma. In 15 out of these 16 cases, we found neurological symptoms, and in 2 out of these 15 cases we found epileptic EEG.
3) In cerebral arteriosclerosis the activation with this substance proved effective on 8 (47.0% ) out of 17 cases.
4) On 4 (40.0%) out of 10 cases of migraine, the activation with this substance proved effective. Two out of these 4 cases showed 6 cps positive spike.
5) The activation effects on the neurosis and schi-zophrenia group were 15.0% and 13.3% respectively.
6) On the disease groups of brain organic disorder and of definite functional disorder, the activation with this substance proved highly effective.
7) Seven out of the whole cases showed 14 cps., 6 cps. and 6---,14 cps positive spike.
8) When this substance was orally administered at the rate of body weight 30~60 mg/kg, the activation effect could be expected, without regard to whether it caused sleep or not. Even with sucklings and child-ren, it was possible to administer bodyweight 30mg /kg. And in intravenous injection,1~2ml per minute was considered proper.
9) The tendency of the alpha wave to flatten and the low amplitude theta waves were also observed, their theta waves were are followed by polymorphic delta waves on which rapid frequencies are superim-posed. And delta waves do not mean that the sleep observed is of the anesthetic type, but we supposethat their difference from activated abnormal waves is not so difficult to recognize.
10) In the above method, the side-effect was very slight, and disappeared in an hour or two of quiet lying after administration. And we may suppose that the power of recovery after activation with this sub-stance was the strongest.
11) Finally, we gave consideration to routine me-thod of activation and to the activation with this substance, and suggested that this method presents an object of further study as a new method of EEG-activation.

Copyright © 1966, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.