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最近,赤核脊髄路の研究(PompeianoとBrodal,1957)によつて,赤核内の体部位局在が指摘されてくるとともに,ここに投射する皮質赤核路も,体部位局在をもつことが,RinvikとWa1berg (1963)や草間(1963)によつて報告された.Rinvikらと草間はともに,Nauta法を用いてネコを実験動物としているが,結果は必らずしも一致していない.RinvikらはWoolsey (1960)の運動性上肢域と運動性下肢域が赤核の背部と腹部におもに投射するとのべているが,草間は,運動性下肢域についてはふれず,川名ら(1964)の運動性上肢域と知覚性上肢域は赤核の背内側部へ,知覚性下肢域は赤核の腹外側部へおもに投射するとしている。前者は運動領のみがこの皮質赤核路の投射に関与し,知覚領からの投射はむしろ否定的であるのに対して,後者は上肢域は運動領からの投射も認めているが,知覚領からの投射にむしろ重きをおいている。われわれはさらに多くの例を用いて,両者の差異を検討した結果,皮質赤核路の起始と終止について,いくつかの新知見を得るとともに,ほぼその全貌を明らかにすることができたと思うのでここに報告する。
The distribution of preterminal degenerating fibers in the red nucleus following lesions at the various parts of the sigmoid gyrus and the surrounding corti-cal areas in the cat was studied with the Nauta method.
I) Most part of the sigmoid gyrus except the medial part of the anterior sigmoid gyrus, areas just posterior to the posterior sigmoid gyrus and the deep surface of the cruciate sulcus projected to the ipsilateral red nucleus.
II) The main findings of the projection from these cortical areas were summarized as follows : 1) the anterior portion of the medial part of the posterior sigmoid gyrus projected to the ventral part of the caudal two-thirds of the red nucleus ; 2) the posterior portion of the medial part of the posterior sigmoid gyrus and the extremely anterior part of the lateral gyrus, to the ventral part of the rostral half of the nucleus ; 3) the anterior portion of the lateral part of the posterior sigmoid gyrus, to the dorsomedial half of the nucleus ; 4) the anterior suprasylvian gyrus and the anterior part of the middle suprasylvian gyrus, to the most lateral part of the rostral two-thirds of the nucleus ; 5) the posterior portion of the lateral part of the anterior sigmoid gyrus, to the dorsal half of the nucleus ; 6) the anterior portion of the lateral part of the anterior sigmoid gyrus, to the dorsolateral part of the rostral two-thirds of the nucleus ; 7) the deep cortical surface of the cruciate sulcus, to the ventromedial part of the nucleus. The projections from the other parts of the sigmoid gyrus-the medial part of the anterior sigmoid gyrus and the posterior portion of the lateral part of the posterior sigmoid gyrus-and those from the coronal gyrus were rudi-mentary, if any.
III) The relation between these findings and the somatotopical organization which had already demon-strated in the somatic sensory motor cortex and the red nucleus was discussed.
Copyright © 1966, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.