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CHANGES IN SOMATOSENSORY EVOKED POTENTIALS IN THE MIRROR FOCUS IN CATS Kaoru Iwayama 1 , Kazuo Mori 1 , Katsumi Yamashiro 1 , Makio Kaminogo 1 1Department of Neurosurgery, Nagasaki University, School of Medicine pp.501-507
Published Date 1979/5/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406204412
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Epileptogenic foci were induced on the posterior sigmoid gyrus in cats by topical application of penicillin-G-Na (Pc). Primary somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) and cortical excitability were studied in the contralateral homologous region, in order to clarify the pathophysiological process underlying"mirror focus".

Primary somatosensory evoked potentials were elicited by electrical stimulation applied to the radial nerve with arbitrary periods following an appearance of spikes in ECoG, and a specific spike-detector was designed for this purpose.

1) Primary somatosensory evoked potentials in control cats were composed of four components, having peak latency of 9.24±0.58 msec (P1), 13.58± 0.78 msec (N1), 19.20±2.82 msec (P2), 33.16±2.64msec (N2) and peak-to-peak amplitude of 33.57± 18.80μV, 130.23±31.40μV, 157.50 ±21.33μV, 80.57 ± 27.00μV, respectively.

2) SEPs elicited during interictal stage where projected ECoG spikes appeared sporadically at the mirror focus, were similar to those elicited before Pc application, in wave form and peak latencies. But an amplitude of all components of SEPs were decreased to 70~80% after appearance of projected ECoG paroxysms.

It was reported that there existed inhibitory mechanisms preventing to a development of epi-leptogenic process in the mirror focus. A decrease in number and synchronization of firing neurons to coming sensory input might result in a diminished amplitude of SEPs.

3) In contrast with the results or original focus, no remarkable change was recognized in SEPs in which radial nerve stimulus was applied immediately after an occurrence of isolated ECoG paroxysms. SEPs obtained after 50 msec or more intervals also revealed similar wave form as compared with those evoked at random intervals.

4) Cortical excitability was measured by recovery curves which were constructed by using measure-ments of SEPs elicited by paired stimuli to radial nerve.

The recovery curves were elevated in all com-ponents of SEPs at the mirror focus during interital stage.

Diencephalon and reticular formation are thought to be important in determining the characteristics of cortical excitability curves, and it was speculated that propagated epileptogenic process to these structures might alter cortical excitabilities via the ascending reticular system or the thalamo-cortical reverberating circuit.

5) Similar to the original focus SEPs disappeared in the mirror focus during tonic-clonic sustained ECoG paroxysms acompanied by surface negative steady potential shifts.

Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


