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大後頭孔部腫瘍により,末梢性舌下神経および迷走神経麻痺,強い後頭部痛,頸部強直などmalum suboccipitale様症状を示した転移性髄膜腫の1例につき,臨床所見を中心に,剖検所見を合わせ検討した。
A 52-year-old man noticed tension sensation of the shoulder in January, 1962. He complained of the neck pain and occipital headache in March, and then had the symptoms of dyslalia and dysphagia, but no compression symptoms of the spinal cord. He died on the night of 12th Oct, 1962.
The autopsy findings showed malignant meningioma localized under the foramen magnum. The tumor scarcely developed from meninges to medulla, and proliferated to anterior due to the destruction of the atlas. There was abscess formation in anterior part of the tumor in front of the vertebral body. And then, the left n. vagus and n. hypoglossus were covered with the abscess, and then the hypoglossus canal was occulded.
In addition to these findings, the metastasis of the tumor was observed in the body of the epistrophius and bilateral cervical lymphnodes. A case of malignant meningioma with "Malum suboccipitale-like symptom" was reported.

Copyright © 1965, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.