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TREATMENT OF EPILEPSY WITH 3-ETHOXYCARB0-5,5-DIPHENYL-HYDANTOIN (P-6127), A NEW ANTICONVULSIVE AGENT Yoshinori KISHI 1 , Shozo MANMARU 1 , Satoru FUKUI 1 , Ken-ichiro AOKI 1 1Dept. of Neuropsychiatry, School of Med. Kanazawa, Univ. pp.982-993
Published Date 1964/11/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406201739
  • Abstract
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3-Ethoxycarbo-5,5-diphenylhydantoin (P-6127), a new anticonvulsant obtained by attaching an ethoxy-carbo radical to the N atom at position of 5,5- diphenylhydantoin (Aleviatin), has been tried on 25 epileptic patients with various seizure types, mainly grand mal type.

The results obtained were as follows:

1) P-6127 was effective on grand mal in appro-ximately 85%, complete control being effected in 6 cases. On focal seizures (including Jacksonian sei-zures) it was effective in all the four patients, 2 cases being completely controlled and the seizure reduced to less than a half in two cases. It proved effective either moderately or slightly in all the three cases of psychomotor seizure, though not completely in any. It was ineffective on such seizure types as petit mal, tonic convulsion and myoclonus epilepsy, but controlled one case of autonomic seizure com-pletely.

2) It gave slight improvement to the epileptic psychical disturbances and the electroencephalographi-cal abnormalities.

3) In 8 out of the 25 cases there were observed such side effects as ataxia, disturbance of speech, drowsiness, inactivity, loss of appetite, general mala-isia and nystagmus, but most of them were found to he transient and didn't necessitate discontinuation of the treatment. No instance of hyperplasia of the gum or increase of the body hair was met with during the administration period of ten months and a half.

The laboratory tests revealed in some cases increa-se of the TTT-and ZTT-value, transient reduction of the white blood cell count and increase of serum Na and decrease of serum K, without showing any abnormal values of pathological significance.

4) Comparison of their therapeutic efficacy has shown P-6127 and Aleviatin to be almost equally powerful on epileptic seizures and have the same action spectrum, but the former to have somewhat weaker side effects.

Copyright © 1964, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


