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It was stressed by Anrep and others that the re-spiratory arrhythmia of the dog is influenced domi-nantly by the vagal nerve. Furthermore, Matsuda and his co-workers confirmed that the vagal tone, both nervously and pharmacologically, played the dominant role in the causation of the respiratory arrhythmia in both men and animals. From these findings, this author concluded that the degree of respiratory arrhythmia might indicate the vagal tone itself.
We found, however, that there was no relation-ship between the respiratory arrhythmia and such phenomena as salivary secretion, sublingual tempera-ture, electrical resistance of skin, heart rate, blood pressure, etc. It was also noticed that the whole state of the autonomic nervous system must not be judged by the function tests of such phenomena as mentioned above. It seemed that Wanger's method, by which the physiological states of autonomic ner-vous system were summarized by means of too many function tests, was erroneous.
The author made some pharmacodynamic examina-tions of the autonomic nervous system, that is, adrenaline and atropine tests, as in the past. It was found that the reactions of each organ to these tests varied with the process of time respectively and there were no relationships among the values of above mentioned phenomena at each time of the reaction process and the pharmacodynamic tests, except one between heart rate and respiatory arrhythmia. As the results of these examinations, it is necessary to indicate the time when the measurements have been made.
As described abwe, although the functions of autonomic nervous system are very complicated, it may be assumed that their physiological and clinical significance should be discussed from a point of view of cardiovascular responses provided an adequate stimulus is given to the cardiovascular system.

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