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第1例は33歳の女子で,25歳頃より1日3〜5回の唾液分泌発作を呈するようになり,さらに31歳頃より週に1〜2回ずつ唾液分泌に続く自動症の発作を起こすようになつた症例である。脳波上,特に脳の一部に限局する異常は認められなかったが,自然にまたはMegimideの静注により起こる棘徐波群は左前頭において最も高振幅であった。本例では,3回のAdrenalin試験で3回とも唾液分泌に続く自動症の発作が注射後23分ないし46分後に誘発された。皮膚では,両側上下肢に尋常性魚鱗癬(lchthyosis vulgaris)が認められたほか,顔面および腰背部に少数の半米粒大の結節性発疹があり,その組織像から皮脂腺腫(Adenoma sebaceum)と診断された。
The clinical findings of 2 patients with sa-livary seizure, which, if not accompanied by automatism convulsion or other symptoms, is regarded as a relatively rare type of epileptic seizures, are reported.
Case 1. A 33-year-old housewife has suf-fered from salivary seizures since 8 years, and automatism accompanied by salivation began to appear 3 years ago. One of three her children is an epileptic with psychomotor seizures. In EEG, localized paroxysmal dis-charges were not found at rest, and irregular spikes and diffuse spindle burst were seen in asleep state. I. Q. was 70 to 80. Administra-tion of adrenalin always provoked almost the same automatism as occured spontaneously, and 5 to 6 per sec. generalized high voltage slow waves were recorded during the auto-matism. She had Ichthyosis vulgaris and Ade-noma sebaceum, the latter being ascertained by histological study.
Case 2. A 16-year-old male student has shown salivary seizures and convulsive seizu-res separately since one year. One of his cousins has suffered from convulsive seizures. EEG findings in asleep state were similer to those in Case 1.
Brain structurs to be related to salivary seizure, EEG findings during automatism, pro-vokation of automatism by administration of adrenalin and complication of dermatological diseases are discussed.

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