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Eye Movements in Patients with Temporal Lobe Epllepsy: Relation with the laterality of temporal spike foci Kazunori Nakajima 1 , Takuya Kojima 1 , Eisuke Matsushima 1 , Shigeru Ohbayashi 1 , Hideji Uesugi 2 , Teiichi Ohnuma 2 , Tadashi Ohtaka 3 , Yasuo Shimazono 2 1Department of Neuropsychlatry, Tokyo Medical and Dental University 2National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry 3Department of Neuropsychiatry, Dokkyo Medical University Keyword: Temporal lobe epilepsy , Eye movement , Laterality of focus , Schizophreniform symptoms in epilepsy pp.1157-1164
Published Date 1989/11/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1405204798
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 In our previous studies we reported that chronic schizophrenic patients had less frequent eye movements and a more limited area of inspection than normal subjects. This study was conducted to clarify the differences in eye movements of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) in comparison with schizophrenics or normal controls.

 Forty-six patients with TLE, 50 chronic schizophrenics and 50 normal controls were examined. The 46 epileptics consisted of 21 "left"-sided patients, 12 "right"-sided patients and 13 "bilateral" patients, classified according to the laterality of temporal spike foci in interictal electroencephalograms. While each subject viewed the "S" -shaped figure for 15 seconds, the eye movements and fixation points were recorded on an eye-mark recorder. The recorded data were analyzed with a computerized system.

 As a result, there were similarities and differences between the eye movements of patients with TLE according to the laterality of temporal spike foci: The "left" group showed mostly different results from the "right" group. There were some similarities between the "left" group and schizophrenics. The "right" group showed mostly similar results to the normal controls.

 Flor-Henry and others have reported that left-sided temporal lobe lesions in particular were associated with schizophreniform symptoms. The results of this study on eye movements of the patients with TLE might give support to their findings, although in this study most of the epileptics had no schizophreniform symptoms.

Copyright © 1989, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-126X 印刷版ISSN 0488-1281 医学書院


