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既に知られている多くの抗癲癇剤の中にあつて「ガミベタール」(γ—Amino—β—hydroxy butyric acid)が,癲癇の各種発作の抑制に有効である上に,更にその状態像の改善により一層効果的である点,極めて特異な存在であることは,先に報告したが,その後,本剤の効果が,癲癇に留まらず精神薄弱その他二・三の症例群に投与した際にも認められる事実を得たので報告し,併せて癲癇に対する治療成績を補足致したい。
Gamibetal (γ-Amino-β-hydroxy butyric acid) medication ( about 500mg~1500mg daily) on the uncontroled epileptics (23 cases), mental deficiencies (11 cases), psychosis of senility (3cases), cerebral infantile paralysis (2cases) and operated (lobotomie) schizophrenia (1case) is very effective to change" what they were" ——periodical ill humour, irritability, exciting, assault, viscosity, etc.
The effect on the fit of unconsiousness ——fit of unconsiousness with tonic convul-sion, twilight states, automatism of epileptics ——is remarkable as the effect on" what they were."But the effect on the fit of" grand mal" type is unremarkable.
On the cases of cerebral infantile paraly-sis, the effect on the abortion of speech is remarkable as the effect on" what they were".
Gamibetal may be the drug that is effective to betterment of the brain-metabolism in these diseases.

Copyright © 1962, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.