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精神分裂病患者18例に,パーフェナジン1日量30mg 5日間,40mg 5日間使用し,使用前と使用10日目に脳波(全例)及びMT(10例)を測定し,脳波及びMTの周波数分布の変化を追求し症状の変化及び副作用との関係を検討した。
Perphenazine was given orally to 18 schi-zophrenic patients at the dosage of 30 mg/ daily, initially for 5 days and thereafter 40 mg/daily. The EEG, in all cases, and the MT, in 10 cases, were recorded before and 10 days after the onset of medication of perphenazine and the results of their fre-quency analyses were studied in this report.
1) The mean values of the frequency dis-tribution of EEG were not significantly al-tered by the administration of perphenazine. However the atypical pattern of the frequen-cy distribution before medication tended to become normal.
2) The frequency spectra of EEG were neither related to therapeutic effects nor side-effects.
3) With respect to the effects upon the MT, it was generally found that the appear-ance of band θ was remarkably increased, that of band β was increased and the band a was decreased.
4) In the clinically improved cases, the increase of band α in MT was found. The θ increased cases showed slight improvement clinically. The frequency distribution of the MT was not related to side-effects. However, remarkable increase of β2 was seen in cases with Parkinsonoid.

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